Sangalaki Island has an area covering 15.9 hectares, located in the Derawan Islands, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan.  Sangalaki island, a tiny island east Kalimantan has attracted numerous international taourist. We are the only one Resort located in Sangalaki Island. In Sangalaki Resort you will find 9 cottages comprising sinle and twin rooms, surrounded by white sandy beach, where the relaxing island is surrounding by lush beautiful forest . Stunning white sand beaches and a wonderful underwater world make the island an obvious choice for holiday.

The island is actually remote and inhabited but it offers a make me magnificent marine experience. Everything seem so perfect but natural. The air is so fresh and the water is so crystal clear that bright and sharp colored coral underwater can be seen easily.

The island especially well known as the habitat of manta rays and giant turtles.

Manta usually swim near the surface and sumersaults its wings, causing a loud sound. Snorking or Free diving are the best way to view this creature. Underwater manta ray will often come over and greet you.

Giant turtle are endangered creatures. At night you will see how they lay their eggs. You will find hatching eggs and observe how the small turtle rush to the sea. You can walk on the shore visible some traces of turtle. Usually this turtle come to Sangalaki Island at night .



This island is a paradise for divers who want to experience diving with these majestic gentle giants. Sangalaki Island, which is part of the Marine Heritage Park, has been made famous due to the regular sightings of manta rays. This island is one of the few islands in the world where you can dive and snorkel with Manta Rays. There are nine top diving point.


1.  Manta Run

2.  Manta Parade

3.  Cleaning Station

4.  Manta Evanue

6.  EEL Ridge

7.  Light House

8.  Coral Garden

9.  Turtle Town

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Stranded in the island of paradise of Sangalaki is the best experience you may find in your life. In this small island, you are the kings and queens.

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Swiss-belhotel Tarakan, Jl. Mulawarman no. 15, Tarakan, North Kalimantan

+0813 5023 2188


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